However, before you download this driver, check to see if the present release is compatible with your scanner model and, afterwards, make sure the package supports your computer OS version and bit architecture.īear in mind that even though other platforms might also be compatible, we don’t recommend you install any software on operating systems other than the highlighted ones. If you want to make use of all available features, then appropriate software must be installed.
Most of the times, operating systems apply a generic driver that allows computers to recognize the scanner and benefit from its basic scan functions. Double-click the packaged file in the folder.
Double-click the downloaded file and mount it on the Disk Image.Ĥ. For the location where the file is saved, check the computer settings.Ģ. Procedures for the download and installationġ. Scanning cannot be executed with the IJ ScanUtility started up. Scanning from the operation panel cannot be executed when the USB is connected. macOS Sierra (v10.12) has been added as a supported OS.Ģ.
This is a scanner driver for your selected model.